Sunday, January 20, 2013

Made It!

The purpose of this blog is to document my crazy adventure of going and being in Florida doing the Disney College program.  I will try my best to keep it up dated and what not. As you are probably wondering or will soon wonder why the title of my blog is Hopeful Alice. So, now your curious right?? Well one day me and a friend where having a chat about if I were to be a character who would I want to be? As I pondered this question, Alice popped into my head.  I don’t know why, I actually haven’t even seen the movie, well at least I don’t think I have. I want to be Alice, if I ever get the chance to audition or managers notice how awesome I am and offer me the position I will take it!! But if you continue reading there is a new character hopeful in mind…..

Ok we will begin my journey to wonderful Disney World….

January 14 - Good Bye Utah
This is the day that I left Utah.  In the morning I was already to go and packed, no tears yet, until it came time to say good bye to Cade, no I didn’t shed a tear in front of him, but I did have to walk back to my room to compose myself.  Cade and Erin came over for breakfast before Cade had to go to work.  It was a lovely breakfast of Lucky Charms!  After Cade left and about time to leave Grandma Ovard called and it really hit me that I was leaving the people I love.  She left me with some amazing words that said, “if you ever get lost or stuck turn to your Heavenly Father.” After that the tears. I am so blessed to have an amazing family in my life.   

Then it was on to the Airport.  We swung by Jimmy Johns to grab some subs to take to the Airport, because we were pushing for time.  After I checked in and a little lunch it was time to say good bye to Mom and Erin, I fought back the tears as best I could.  This was the first time ever traveling on my own and going to stay somewhere all on my own, big step for me!!  Here I go!!

  • ·         The flight from SLC to Denver was ok.  I was stuck in the middle of this weird kid jamming out to his music and this quite middle aged man.  No conversations were made.
  • ·         Flight from Denver to Orlando was better I had an aisle seat and shared with a nice elderly couple.  Again no real conversation was made.
  • ·         Landed in Orlando at 10:10 Eastern Time and the humidity hit hard.  Humidity is not cool!
  • ·         As I was waiting for my checked luggage this guy noticed I was accumulating a lot of bagging and was wondering where I was coming from.  I told him Disney College Program and he understood. 
  • ·         I was too prideful to get a cart for ALL of my luggage (two big ones, a carry on, my back pack, 2 jackets, purse) so I looked kind of funny getting in and out of the elevator to Disney’s Magical Express.
  • ·         I made it to Disney’s Caribbean Resort just in time to get ready for bed.
January 15 - Check In Day

  • ·         Nerves kicked in, I had no idea where I was going and how I was going to get there.
  • Took my first taxi by myself (growing up so fast!) And probably over paid him!

  • ·         Made it through check in and meet some awesome people.

  • ·         Then I took a bus to my new home for the next four months.

  • ·         Luggage got lost!!  Long story short I left my luggage on the curb while I took another bag to my apartment went back to get my other bag, it was gone.  No worries the bus driver just put it back on the bus thinking it was someone else’s.  I got it back later that day!!

  • ·         Went to casting to get our finger prints and do more paper work.

  • ·         Met a kid that looks like Ralphie from a Christmas Story!!

  • ·         That night some of my roommates and I went to downtown Disney for dinner at Earl’s Sandwich Shop, yummy!!

  • ·         I was kind of a walking zombie come night time!

Had a stowaway!!

January 16 -  Housing Meeting

  • ·         Went to the pool caught some rays in 80 degree weather. :)

  • ·         Went to Panera Bread…AMAZING wish there was one in Utah (is there??)

  • ·         Housing meeting was kind of boring but important!!  They just went over the rules and rubbish.

  • ·         Went to Wal Mart by taking a bus.  I am so grateful to have a car back home, because taking the buses with all your purchases isn’t very fun.

Beautiful Florida Blue Skies
January 17 - Mary Poppins Party

  • ·         Finally got my work out in with Turbo Fire!!!

  • ·         Chilled most of the day and went to Downtown Disney.

  • ·         Mary Poppins Party = free pizza

Peyton, Lauren, me, Kayla
  January 18 - Traditions

All my roommates had the early session so I got to sleep in! :) Traditions was amazing!! 
My pretty name tag!!

Also got my Disney ID so I can enter any park "foooor FREEEEEE!!"  I can’t wait to start working for Disney!! During traditions we walked through Magic Kingdom and I saw who I want to be…here is a hint she has red hair and no she isn’t Ariel.

January 19 –Park Time
  Me and my roommate, Amber started our day off at Hollywood Studios, because that is where I will be working in Quick Service food & beverage aka fast food!!

We went to the Ariel show and some back stage ride thing and then finished our time at Tower of Terror.  Then we headed over to Magic Kingdom to meet up with our other roommates.  

 I love Disney World!! We went and saw the new Fantasyland “Be Our Guest” and “Ariel’s Grotto”!  So cute!

  Then we rode Pirates, ate at Gaston’s Tavern (Huge pork leg and fake beer...yum), then we rode Lilo and Stitch, Haunted Mansion, Aladdin’s carpet ride, and finished with Big Thunder Mountain. 

Sunday, January 20 – Church
Made it to Church!  I am going to love this ward!  It was a blessing that I met Lexi on the bus, we where both new and nervous about figuring out how to get to church. So we did it together!!  So blessed with this gospel in my life.  The missionaries came over after church and left me with a great message! 

Now looking forward to start training tomorrow!!

(I am not responsible for any grammar errors and what nots...well maybe, also this blog is a work in progress so bear with me)

Have a magical day!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Katie.. you are so cute!!! reading this blog reminded me of when you tried to write Cade's paper haha.... I think the character you want to be is the girl from Brave?? Also I love all your pics.. keep the posts coming!!!!
