Sunday, March 3, 2013

Military Time

Oh military time how you make my head hurt! So today I thought I worked at 3 but when I woke up this morning to get ready to go to church I checked just to make sure and it was 1…so I thought.  So I texted the car pool coordinator if it was possible to get a ride back after sacrament since I wouldn’t be able to stay to the full 3 blocks of church.  That was perfectly fine.  I go to church and enjoy an awesome fast and testimony meeting.  Another girl also was leaving after sacrament meeting so I got to talking with her as we waited for the bus and while on the bus and comes to find out she is friends with Aurora (which means secretly she is Aurora…ssshhhhh) She was so nice, super down to earth and she as a pretty cool name…Erin!!  I hope I can run into her again real soon.  Anyway I get back to my apartment frantically gather all my stuff for work and I get this feeling I should check to make sure it is 1 and not 1:15 or something that I work.  I check…15:00 which in military is 3 o clock not 1! Silly me, I totally could of stayed to all of church! Extra personal scripture time for me today!! Well that is how my Sunday has been thus far.

This post is going to be a little on the pictureless side, sorry I didn’t have my great roommate Kayla with her I phone with me this week and I am slacker at taking pictures!  I promise this week I will be better!

Monday was a muggy wet, hot day at work!  I am not a fan of this humidity here in the state of Florida, but I put a smile on my face and just deal with it!  Which right now it is freezing outside, well Florida freezing!

Tuesday February 26th a great day to be named Amy Donaldson – HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY!  So since I couldn't post about my birthday button story last week because I was waiting for her to receive her package so that it would be a surprise I can now tell it.  So here at Disney they give out birthday buttons to guests that you wear and every cast member and some guest tell you Happy Birthday all day long.  So I got my friend Amy a button and actually wore it around last Monday (Feb. 18) at Hollywood Studios and it had her name on it!  I was getting "Happy Birthday Amy" left and right and it took my off guard because I wasn’t use to being called Amy!  And it was so cute when we were waiting for Fantasmic to start we were talking and playing to this friendly little boy and out of nowhere he got up and came over to me and gave me a big hug and said “Happy Birthday hug for Amy!”  How cute, so Amy in honor of you, I wore your Birthday Button.  Hope your birthday was awesome!! 

Oh Tuesday before my shift I decided to go early and hit up some rides that I haven’t done yet at Hollywood Studios like the great movie ride and the Jack Sparrow experience.  I say go on The Great Movie Ride, but don’t waste your time in line to see the Jack Sparrow thing, not worth the 40 minutes I waited!

Wednesday, my friend Brian, that I met last week, was so kind and took me to the grocery store and the post office and after that we went to Hollywood Studios and I got to experience more of the things I haven’t yet at Hollywood Studios like the Muppet's 3D, American Idol experience, The Indiana Jones Stunt thing, and rode Rock n Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror multiple times, the park was super dead for some reason.

Thursday was awesome!! I started my seminar class.  It sounds like it is going to be super interesting and I need to get my butt in gear and start networking because it isn’t “who you know, it’s who knows you” is important.  After class I got word that I had a package!!! YEAH!! It was the best package ever!  It had a cute Alice statue, because I am hopeful Alice, which reminds me there are auditions this Friday to be a character and I am going, so cross your fingers or not because if I get it I would have to extend til August so yeah!  Anywho back to my awesome package it had the Alice Statue and then the greatest video ever…Weeds 2012!! If you haven’t seen it you must and there are only 2 or 3 copies known to man and I have one of them!

After getting over my excitement of my package it was time to start making lunch for the missionaries.  I just love the missionaries especially Elder Knapp and Elder Adriano!  They were coming over to visit with Lexi and me at 1 p.m. so I figured we could have lunch, because that was a goal of mine to feed the missionaries.  We had BLTs we went through two packages of bacon, 2 tomatoes, and almost a whole loaf of bread.  So good!  They we had a wonderful lesson about our Heavenly Father and my roommate Lauren joined us!  She is awesome and always so positive, love her! 

Friday I went into work thinking I would work a normal 8 hour shift but they asked me to extend so it turned into an 11 hour shift! Which that sounds horrible, but actually it was just fine.  It’s all about attitude people, working quick service for Disney isn’t the ideal job, but you just put a smile on and go with it!!

Yesterday I worked and then enjoyed a Disney movie, Tangled, with some friends and then went to bed to get up for church!

Family comes in a week and half, I can’t wait to show them Disney!!

Have a Magical Day!! 


1 comment:

  1. Hey girl hey lady! Cool week, you should try and go on as many rides as possible before we get there so you can tell us which ones are worth our time! :) I am so excited!!! (although I have 2 tests between now and then.. ugh) See ya sooN!
    Love ya!
    Erin :)
