Sunday, May 12, 2013

The End

It was my last week living in the most magical place on earth!!  I can’t believe my Disney College Program has come to an end.  It almost feels like a dream!  I made sure that my last week would be amazing.  It started off with two days of work, but that was ok!  On Monday after work I rode Rock n Roller Coaster and I can’t think what else I did…pretty sure it was fun though!  Then Tuesday was my last day working at Sunset Ranch Market and it was a good day!  I worked at Scoops and Chelsey came and visited me with her sister.  We got a picture together in my costume, because I have multiple pictures of her at work.  Then I closed the Bakery for the first and last time.   

After work I met up with Erika and her fun group of people.  We played in Hollywood Studios and finished our night watching Fantasmic!  Good Bye Hollywood Studios you were awesome!  I was so blessed to work in Hollywood Studios, were the numbers aren’t as high as MK and the home to the 2nd best roller coaster at Disney World.

Wednesday my last full day to play in the parks!! First it started off with a graduate party!! Since I missed my real graduation I had to attend my DCP graduation.  It was fun getting pictures with fellow co workers, the boss, Disney friends, and so much more. They had food, music, characters, and fun!!  

Sunset peeps

Jessi, my roommate!

More Sunset peeps

Kayla, my roommate!

Joe, fellow Sunseter

After graduation I was asked by my roommate to go to Dinner at the Hoop-Dee-Do Musical Revue at the Fort Wilderness Resort.  It was a lovely dinner and a show.  I really enjoyed myself. 

After that I met up with Erika and her friends at Epcot and then we made our way to Downtown Disney to watch Cirque Du Soleil – La Nouba. AMAZING!! That is all I can say about that.

Yacht and Beach Club Resort

Thursday I was my VoluntEAR day at an elementary school in Orlando.  I will do anything for a free t-shirt.  Didn’t real realize what I signed up for but it was good!  It was fun interacting with my 3rd grade class.  They were very well behaved students that answered questions and participated!  I even had school lunch again, nothing compares to North Summit school lunch prepared by Cherly!  

Holland, my teaching partner!

After returning to Epcot I went and visited Her, that will be saved for a bonus blog post.  Then it was off to Animal Kingdom to ride my favorite ride for the last time.  I love Animal Kingdom so peaceful and full of animals.  I rode Expedition Everest 3 times and watched the tigers for a good half an hour until I made my way to Magic Kingdom. 

There I just was soaking in the Disney magic.  I went and met my favorite princess since I was little, Ariel! Then I enjoyed an ice cream sunday and then met Princess Tiana and Naveen!  After that I went and talked to Miss Sarah while she was working and then Cyd showed up!  Then once Sarah was off work I got to experience Wishes for the first time!  It was a good way to end my Disney experience. 

After they all come over including Chelsey to help me pack and to say good bye until we me again in Utah.  I just love those girls and so blessed to have met them and some many other wonderful people.  I met people from all over the world and I am never going to forget my time spent at Disney World.

Have a Magical Day!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Aaaawww one more week!! I can’t believe I have one more week in Disney it is crazy.  I have really enjoyed my time here but can’t wait to get back to Family and Friends and to the see the mountains in Utah.  Well this week has been so fun and tiring.  On Monday I received a letter in the mail and it was from my cute cousin Hadlee!  She sent me a Flat Stanley, aka Flat Hadlee!! I had so much fun taking her around Disney World only downside, It decided to rain for three days straight and when it rains in Florida it pours in Florida and to have it constant for three days, no fun!!  There was a break from it Tuesday morning so I decided to take Flat Hadlee around the world and on a few rides in Epcot.  We started are say off on Soarin twice, met my good friend Mickey along with his pals Pluto and Daisy, and then walked around the world.  Then I had to work, but after work we had enough time to catch a ride, Tower of Terror! 

Then Wednesday I had the day off!!! It was kind of a we,t sad day but Chels, Sarah, and I made the best of it.  We went to Hollywood Studios and rode Coaster, meet Mike and Sully, and took super cute pictures in the Streets of America!   

Then it was off to Typhoon in the rain!! It was the CP event of the year, the Starlight Splash.  They rented out Typhoon for the night.  It was like the biggest beach party ever, with music, free food, t shirts, and Mickey bars.  We had a blast even in the cold rain.  It was pretty cool they had all these pirates walking around and thee Captain Jack Sparrow even came!  After partying at the water park we played a few rounds of Apples to Apples. (for pictures refer to tagged photos on Facebook, sorry water and cameras don't mix so I took zero at the Starlit Splash)
Thursday was my last day of class!!!  I graduated with my Mouseteers Degree!!  After class I met up with Chels and we went to Property Control where they have discounted damage good for real cheap.  I scored a perfectly fine Mickey ring!  After that it was on to running errands at the Post Office and Walmart.  I cannot wait to have a car and not have to spend all my time waiting for the bus and on the bus, I will have freedom to go wherever I want, when I want.  We ended the night with Valentine’s Day!!

Friday was my extra day off…ha ha I never work!! My day started off with a training for VoluntEARS!! I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into!  I thought I would just be going to an elementary school helping with crafts or something….WRONG!  I will actually be teaching a 3rd grade class for the entire school day!! Wish me luck and pray for me!!  It was be a great experience and look great on my resume!!  All I wanted was a shirt!!  Well after training I went out in the parks with my roommate and friends.  It was a beautiful day at Epcot!  We rode test track, there actually is single rider line, I owed Chris Japanese Ice Cream, because I thought there wasn’t!!  After Test Track we waited in line for 2 hours to ride Soarin.  I love that ride, but not to wait 2 hours for.  After that we had lunch in China and after got Japanese ice cream.  Then we made our way to Magic Kingdom to meet the Princess and Tinker Bell.  That is when the rain hit so we looked super cute to meet the Princesses!  Tink was just adorable!!!  Oh and how could I forget the Mouse, we met Mickey again!!

“May the 4th be with you!”  The unofficial Star Wars day was celebrated in style at Hollywood Studios, I however didn’t celebrate in the festivities because I had to work! But it was pretty cool to see this fleet of Storm Troopers walking backstage!  I got of two hours before the park closed so I was going to go hop on some ride after, but it was a mad house there I opted to go home.

Sunday fun day! Today was my last Sunday!  Church was really good!! I am going to miss everyone there and their great spirit!! Enjoy these crazy pictures of some crazy girls!! Going to miss these two like crazy!!


Have a Magical Day!!