Sunday, April 14, 2013

Good Bye's

 I had a great week this past week.  I worked hard and played harder.  I can’t think of anything memorable about work….lets think…umm nope not really.  Oh wait on Tuesday I think it was, I thought I was going to be late for the bus so I rushed out of the apartment and made it just in time to jump on to the E bus.  As I was sitting there looking at the time and doing the math to when I start it just wasn’t adding up. Curse you military time!  I arrived an hour and half early to Hollywood Studios before my shift.  It was ok because I happen to work at the park that has the 2nd best roller coaster in all of Disney, Rock n Roller Coaster!!  So I rode that a few times and then stopped at the Great Movie Ride on my way to costuming to get ready for work.   Also Wednesday before my shift I decided to do a little resort hopping by myself because I have never seen inside of the Grand Floridian and I had time before my shift so why not.  It is so pretty inside.  Someday when I am rich I will stay there for a few weeks.  

After that I went to the Polynesian to look around and ran it my friend Katie.  She works there and was in between shifts so we got to talk and hang out for a bit.  It worked out perfect because she was leaving that coming Friday and I needed to talk to her about our plans to hang out Thursday before she left. Coincidence, I think not!!  We shared some nachos and Dole whip.  I am missing that girl!  Such I life loving LDS girl from Virginia Beach!!
Dole Whip

Thursday was my day off, finally a my normal day off!  I had class in the morning and we talked about DVC aka Disney Vacation Club aka Disney Time Share.  It was an interesting class.  If I was rich I would pay into DVC, maybe one day.  After class I just chilled for a bit then Chelsey and I had a late lunch at the Grand Floridian, Flat Bread Pizza…YUM!!!  After that we went to Hollywood Studios to meet up with Katie Kelly.  We got there before her so we caught the end of the Indiana Jones show and then rode Star Tours!! If you haven’t heard there are over 52 different ride sequences for Star Tours so your more than likely not going to ride the same ride twice.  The one that I rode with Chelsey has been my favorite thus far.  After that we were just walking the Streets of America when we turned the corner and all of these random characters were there and they were just walking around in madness of guests.  There was like Chip and Dale, Pinocchio, Jasmine, the Genie, Stitch, just really random characters.  We snagged a few photos, which reminds me I need to get those from Chels.  After that we meet up with Katie and her co-worker Oasis.  Are first stop was Toy Story but the line was way too long, so we stood in line to meet Woody and Buzz!! Woody was a giant!! 

After that Chelsey worked up enough courage to ride Tower of Terror and she loved it!!   

Then Rock n Roller Coaster.  After that we decided to go see how long Toy Story was, because Katie was leaving the next day and hadn’t ridden it yet.  The wait time was longer…we stood in line for a little bit but Chels and I had fast passes to Rock n Roller Coaster so we jumped out of line and went and used those and then rode it again and again.  I think we rode it back to back 3 or 4 times before the park closed.  After that we headed to Splittsville for Katie’s going away party!! Cyd and Sarah came too!! It was so much fun.  Katie also had her fellow CP co-workers come, it was a party.  We ate, we danced, we laughed!

Friday was another day off…woot woot!  After our late night me and Chels got up to go to Epcot with her Uncle and Aunt.  I had them use my last Main Gate, so I had to be there to let them in.  It was a really fun morning.  We rode the little boat ride in The Land, I love that place.  Then we rode the Finding Nemo ride, first time!  It was super cute.  Then we rode Space Ship Earth, another first for me.  Very cool ride.  Then we rode Soarin!! LOVE that ride.  The smell of the pine trees just gets me excited for summer camp trips in Utah!!!  After Soarin I said my good byes because I needed to go home and make cupcakes for the missionaries.  I had dinner over at Lexi’s with the missionaries.  Elder Knapp is one funny kid!!  Also the message the Elders left with us was just what I needed.  I am going to miss missionary dinners with Lexi because guess what she leaves on Wednesday! : (

Saturday I worked!

Today, Sunday I was suppose to work but someone else wanted a shift so I gave it to them.  I got to go to church to all three meetings it was awesome.  Love the gospel in my life.  Also got to be with some lovely ladies.  Tonight entails dinner and a movie with Lexi!!

Have a Magical Day!

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