Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Break

The last two weeks where spring break so I had a totally of two days off, yes that is correct two days in the past two weeks but I sure filled them with a lot of fun!  First I just want to go through a few fun things that happen at work that made me smile during Spring Break!

First this last week it rained and rained and then poured and poured and with my luck I always get busing or trash as my assignment which means I am outside.  When it decided to rain randomly and of course I forgot my rain jacket.  Thanks to a kind co worker, I stayed mostly dry when she let me borrow her jacket.  When it rains in Florida it pours, like flash flood going on, but Disney never shuts down so we carried on like nothing was different.

Another exciting thing happen this past two weeks at work.  We had this promotion thing going on called the Taste of Hollywood where you buy a special quick service meal and then get a seat saved for Fantasmic.  I wasn’t one of the lucking ones chosen to work during this special event which has the benefit of eating all the leftover food….every night!  But I was lucky to close the Boat one of those night so I too got to indulge in the delicious food for one night.  Fried chicken and milk shakes!!

This one day I got the assignment of “Holiday Greeter” which I was like “what the heck is this?” Come to find out it means you stand out front and welcome everyone to Sunset Ranch Market, which mainly I got to trade pins (don’t really understand the craz is) and point the direction to the bathrooms.  Get this, they totally forgot I was out there.  I stood out there from 11:00 to 4:30; I got a little sunburn but nothing major.  In all honestly it was actually really fun to interact with the guest rather than just taking their order like what I normally do.

There is a bunch of new Thailand ICP’s that started training during spring break, poor kids.  They are so awesome though, very respectful.  I get bowed to all the time.  Very nice people.

Oh man goodness, so Easter Sunday was dead at the park so they closed the Bakery early so we got to have all the leftover pastries.  Yummy!  I tried the cream cheese danish and the large chocolate croissant.  So yummy!!  There are little perks to working in food, only wish we could get free food all the time.

I also had an awaking moment when I was talking to guest and telling him that I was doing the college program and what it was all about.  Then he asked me a question I didn’t know how to answer… “What have I learned?”  I didn’t know what to answer him.  A question I need to sit down and actually answer and think about.

“American money is like Monopoly money” this is a direct quote from a UK guest.  They have cool accents and when she told me she couldn’t get use to using paper money because it reminded her of Monopoly money.  I got a good laugh out of that comment. 

Ok enough of work rubbish now onto the fun stuff.  There was one day that I worked the morning 9 to 5 so I had the night off and got to hang out with Cydney!!! We went with her roommates to Flippers, an Oven Baked pizza place.  We all got a different pizza so we could share and try different pizzas.  I got the Bacon Cheese Burger…delicious.
Sonoma, Margherita, Carne De Italia, and Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza
 The first day I had off I went on a Wal mart run; I sure hope it is my last!! I am stocked up and I can just buy milk from Walgreens or something until I leave in 32 days!!!!  After that my roommate and I went to Animal Kingdom to meet a really good friend of mine, Donald!! He was so cute!! Also meet up with Katie, an awesome girl from the ward.  After that we meet up with Cydney at Chic fil a.  I really needed that night to be around my friends from the Ward.  We just talked and laughed all night.  I am grateful for those girls.  Also saw Lexi!  Haven't seen that girl in forever!  She threw Colin (her friend) a surprise birthday party at midnight!  It was fun!!

"Who's number 1"

The other day off I had was actually yesterday!! Best day ever!!! I went to the beach with Chelsey and her Uncle and Aunt.  They are in town for business and were so nice to drive us to Clear water beach.  It was so much fun.  There was a slight breeze that was a little chilly so we didn’t swim at all but soaked in the Vitamin D!!!  Then a friend of Chelsey (now my friend) Makayla, her family just left and they had over 25 dinner points still on their account that needed to be redeemed by midnight so we took that opportunity for free dinner and went to Chef Mickey’s a character dining experience.  I always wanted to do that and it was FREE!! So much fun and so much food.  It was buffet style and the Fab five was there!!  After that she still had over 20 meals that we cashed in for snacks which can be drinks or desserts, things like that and 3 snacks count as 1 meal, if you do the math it is over 50 snacks!! Yep we pretty much grocery shopped at the Poylnessian.  What a fun crazy night!!!  Thanks Makayla’s Family for dinner and stocking my fridge with orange juice and water!! 

Mickey shaped ravioli

Oh and a quick ride on Space Mountain

Here’s to a normal schedule and my normal days off this next week!  Oh guess what all the BYU students leave this week…sadness.

Have a Magical Day!!!

P.S. Look how cute Tinker Bell is!!

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