Sunday, February 24, 2013


I have come to the conclusion that I need to write down everyday what I do for that day because as I look back on the week, I can’t remember what I really did, so this might be a super short blog or super random.  I guess we will find out!

I do remember Monday because there is proof in pictures what I did.  My roommate Kayla invited me to go with her and a group of people to Animal Kingdom.  I won’t turn down any offer to go to a park!!  At Animal Kingdom we did what you always have to do when you go there ride Dinosaur, Expedition Everest, and see the Lion King show. That is just what we did!  Also met some characters that go by the name of Doug and Russell…name the movie??  Also I got a Mickey Bar so I can cross that off my Disney World Bucket List!  

After Animal Kingdom I texted my friend Cdyney to see what she was up to! Sarah and she were in fact going to see Fantasmic.  I needed to see this, because I talk about it to my guests all the time, but I have no idea what I am talking about half the time…ha ha  So I went to Hollywood Studios to meet up with those two lovely ladies.  We rode Tower of Terror before standing in line for Fantasmic. 

My review on Fantasmic is was good! It wasn't what I was expecting because everyone raves about how fantastic Fantamic is but I wasn't super wowed, but yes everyone needs to see it at least once.  Another reason why I went to it is because I normally ask guests how did they like Fantasmic and they all say wonderful until I had a guest tell me she didn't like it!  I was shocked, she said it was a bit scary for younger children.  Now after seeing it I can see where she is coming from, it is a bit scary because it does turn into Mickey's nightmare when all the villains come out and take over!  Go see it for yourself!!

For the life of me I can’t remember what I did Tuesday I even had the day off.  I am pretty sure I went to Wal Mart and I think I went to dinner at Panera Bread… but I really can’t remember.  See this is way I should keep a journal or make little notes somewhere about what I do every day. (Utah needs a Panera like now)

The next couple of days I worked, yes work is always involved!  I wore that super cute outfit and put on a smile and I scooped some ice cream, poured some beer, picked up trash, had people gobble like a turkey this is all in a day’s work at Hollywood Studios Sunset Boulevard!!!

I got to go to the full 3 blocks church today because someone was so kind to take my shift.  Having to miss church last week I wasn’t missing it two weeks in a row so I gave my shift away.  We have a Sunset Facebook page, which is so nice, so I just posted that anyone can have my shift or switch if they wanted and within like 10 mins this kids offered to take it!  Sweet, I submitted it to Labor Services and it was approved within the next couple of days.  I hope that when my family comes and if I am scheduled that it will be that easy.  Speaking of family coming they come in like 2.5 weeks!! :)  I am so excited to see them and show them around Disney!!!!

I love church!! I love the spirit!  I love that everyone is so happy there!! So this morning was the Princess half marathon, so that means that your bus comes 30 mins late apparently.  So I got on the bus thinking that all my peeps at Vista would just get on right after…wrong!! Since the transportation system was so messed up because of the runners all my Vista people were on another bus and I was on the bus by myself and it took almost an hour to get to Westclock where we car pool to church!  Luckily we caught up to the other bus and it was so nice to see all of them there waiting for me to get off the bus.  I feel so blessed to have met such nice LDS people here at the College Program!  I wish I had a camera when I got off the bus it was like a welcoming committee, I felt so loved.  I love this gospel and I know that it is true, can’t deny the spirit I feel every time I go to church or when I am  around a bunch of members. 

Things to look forward this coming week: Lunch with the Missionaries on Thursday, class starts on Thursday and I have Wednesday and Thursday off!  I only need to make it through Monday and Tuesday!! Also I looked at my following weeks schedule and I am scheduled for the morning...woot woot!!

Have a Magical Day!!!

P.S. I just read through my last post, I am super sorry about all the grammar errors. And yes I graduated from North Summit and also I just graduated from college…don’t judge!!

Here is proof!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wow what a week!! So when I last left you I was going to work the event for the cheerleaders…it actually was just fine.  I was working Fairfax and we actually closed early because we only served chill dogs and drinks so it slowed down fast.  I was out of the park by 1:00 instead of 2!!

Monday morning I woke up with my ears ringing and a random dry cough.  I promise my mom that if my ear ache didn’t go away that I would go to the clinic.  I looked up where the clinic was and it wasn’t too far so I walked.  It was a little far to say the least, but it felt good to get out and walk and see a little more of Orlando.  I got to the clinic and had to wait for an hour and a half to see the doctor.  Doctor visits are not cheap.  Pretty sure my mom was sick of me calling her every five minutes with another question about insurance or the price of the bill I paid.  I in fact had a ear infection…great…I never get sick.  She gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.  I worked that night (no worries the doctor cleared me to work) and I was on register which means you have to talk!  Let’s just say I lost my voice that night!  I woke up Tuesday morning with no voice…zero!! It could be from the combination of talking to the guests and coughing the whole way through the night.  Yes I was mute all Tuesday!! I made a run to Walgreens in the morning for cough syrup, cough drops, and Vicks…no more restless nights form me!! After that there was a rumor that Johnny Depp was at Magic Kingdom playing Jack Sparrow!  So my roommate and her friend went to check it out.  So my roommate knows sign language and so does her friend and I just took a sign language class last semester, so we signed a little since I couldn’t talk!  It was fun trying to remember signs and getting back to finger spelling.  So that rumor was in fact a rumor!  We went to two of the pirate shows and it wasn’t him!!  We walked around MK for a bit ran into Gaston!  Let’s just say that his smile was dead on, the lip lift and everything!  After that I came home and rested!

Check out that smile!!

Wednesday was another rest day!  My voice was back to the point that people could hear me but not fully!

Thursday Valentines Day!! I worked and that is all!! I did score a whole pizza from the housing party once I got off work!!  I also received a package in the mail from my parents!!! Thanks Mom and Dad, love you!! It’s fun to get packages in the mail.  My address is 8127 Baldwin Manor Court  Apt# 15204  Orlando, FL 32821 if you would like to send anything to me!! ;)

Friday I worked!  That’s pretty much what I do…work!!  But days off are always nice to just hit the parks or whatever!!  

Look what randomly showed up in the mail!! A hippo!! I left my hippo the first night I was here and someone was so kind to get me a replacement!! Isn’t he cute!

Saturday I finally didn’t have to close so after work I headed over to MK to met up with Lexi!! I just love that girl she is kind and super awesome! I finally rode Space Mountain, that hour and a half wait was worth it!!!

Sunday…I missed church today!! I hate missing church!  I asked for a ER (Early Release) didn’t happen! Well it sort of happened..15 mins early, not enough time to caught two buses and a car pool!! I am so glad this job at Disney is only temporary, because when I get a grown up job Sundays are the Lords day, not a day to work!!!

Bright side I have tomorrow off!!  Animal Kingdom here I come!!

 Sorry this post wasn't the best I was "sick" most of the week and just finally getting over it, so I am a little tired!!

Have a Magical Day!!

PS I am not proof reading this so sorry for the mistakes, at least I posted!! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Promised Pictures

Awesome tree at Animal Kingdom


Working hard!!

King Louie and Baloo

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Two monkeys and a Bear

This week was another exciting week in lovely Disney World!  Monday I worked at Sunset (like always) I poured some beers, picked up trash, and close produce.  Closing is a dreaded task in Quick Service-Food and Beverage, it means you are leaving later then you planned!  I really wouldn’t mind closing if I actually knew what I was doing, which will only come with time.

I work here!
 On Tuesday it was my day off which means…going to the parks!  Cydney and I started our day off at Animal Kingdom.  It was so much fun! I really like this park especially Asia!! We rode Dinosaur which is comparable to Indiana Jones in Disneyland (I personally like Indiana Jones better) after that we hit up Expedition Everest (favorite ride, next to rock n roller coster).  We went to the Lion King show and met King Louie and Baloo afterwards (Cydney has them on her camera so when I get them I will post them).  After that we went and took a train to meet Rafiki!!

After we were done at Animal Kingdom we were craving food from Epcot!  We enjoyed over priced tacos, which were delicious by the way, at Mexico!  After that we went to the Land!  I love that building.  I felt all fresh and healthy just being in the building! We took a boat ride to see a garden, we got some more intake of Lion King where we watch a video about keeping the world clean and that we can start within our own backyards!  After that we wanted to ride Soarin but the line was really long and we were meeting up with Sarah a little later so we decided to wait and ride that with her.  As we were walking around, the smell of ice cream stopped us in our tracks, so of course we figured “oh Sarah won’t want a treat” so we treated ourselves to an ice cream sandwich which included cookie dough ice cream smashed between to fresh baked chocolate chip cookies!! YUM!! After that we meet up with Sarah and waited for over two hours to ride Soarin (the wait time was so wrong, it only said an hour), kind of worth it though!! I love that ride!! That ride is also in the Land building!!

Wednesday I hit up Downtown Disney for shopping!! I need to take full advantage of my “holiday” discount while I still can.  After that, Jessi and I went to Grocery Bingo!! I love bingo; it could be because I grew up playing bingo on the 4th of July every year!!  All those dedicated years at Henefer's 4th of July celebration paid off because I am pretty much pro and walked away as a winner!!!! 

My winnings!!
 After all of the fun there comes a time where I must work…sad!  I worked Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!  Couldn’t tell you where I worked Thursday and Friday, but do I have a story about work on Saturday! Ok so to set the mood I was scheduled to work 11:15-22:00 (yes everything is in military time, I struggle with this) not looking forward such a long shift, I get there and I am put on trash, not to bad but once three hours into it I was done! It was hot and just wasn’t happy. Finally got a break at 3!! After that I was put in FairFax Kitchen, which I enjoy because it is actually really fun making food and you don’t have to make small talk with guests, but I was put back with one girl who is awesome and work but this other kid wasn’t really any help all, he was more in the way then anything!  Well after that I was told I would be closing.....wait what! I leave at 10 the park closes at 10, that means everything closes at 10 and those cast members that are scheduled until 10:30 or 11 are the ones that closes, not me who leaves at 10! Ok I was a little upset, but I figured I have no plans or anyone to see tonight it will be ok and it was the front of Hollywood Scoops, not hard at all.  So they stick me on register at Hollywood Scoops.

As I get there my ear starts hurting extremely, oh great now I have an ear ache or infection.  The pain just get worse through the night I can’t hear out of that ear and the pain is making its way to the whole side of my head, but I keep a happy face for the guests!  Also on top of this ear ache, I have this random dry cough that decided to hit when I was face to face with guests so I am trying to hold back my cough while I tell them to pick their ice cream up at “the window to your left”! So my night wasn’t going so hot, then it’s like 2 seconds to closing and the whole varsity cheer squad gets off Tower of Terror and decides they need ice cream at 10 o clock at night!  So we didn’t get done taking and making orders until 10:30!!  I am pretty sure we set a record that night in the amount of ice cream that was scooped in that short amount of time.  Also we broke a record of closing Scoops because I was at the bus stop at 11 to catch the bus at 11:13, which by the way the CP transportation is ridiculous!! It takes you like an hour to get to work, which you probably where waiting for over a a half hour to even get on the bus, and then you have to wait for your shift to start...aaww! That is a whole other story within its self for another time!  

Sunday!! (today) oh how I love Sundays!  I actually got to go to the full three blocks of church!  So my roommates friend that she knows from her school in Idaho, I found out is also LDS so me and him got a ride randomly from our apartment complex (which normally you go to Westclock and then get car pooled to church) we met outside of Patterson with this kid Daniel who uses a wheel chair…yea how many Mormons does it take to break down a wheel chair to put it in the car??? More then four!! Ha ha that was very entertaining trying to collapse and set up his wheel chair and it also makes it so much funnier with Brady (roommates friend).  If you would like details of this story just ask me or you probably had to be there…ha ha!  Church was awesome!  I just love church it just makes me so happy to go and feel the spirit so strong!! I do have to work late tonight 17:45-1:30, which means it’s an event, which also means it will be slow and I believe it will be all the cheerleaders!  Yes I was a cheerleader so maybe that is why I can kind of tolerate them, but I have some co workers that can't should make an entertaining night!!!

Extra Extra

Friday night after work Kayla, Jessi, two guys (Chris and Ian), and I tried to go bowling but that didn’t happen so we rode in a hot air balloon instead!!


Oh this made me happy… I booked my families stay at the All Star Music Resort when they come see me in March, eek can’t wait!!

Have a magical day!! 

Pictures with two monkeys and a bear will be coming shortly as soon as I get them from Cyd!!