Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wow what a week!! So when I last left you I was going to work the event for the cheerleaders…it actually was just fine.  I was working Fairfax and we actually closed early because we only served chill dogs and drinks so it slowed down fast.  I was out of the park by 1:00 instead of 2!!

Monday morning I woke up with my ears ringing and a random dry cough.  I promise my mom that if my ear ache didn’t go away that I would go to the clinic.  I looked up where the clinic was and it wasn’t too far so I walked.  It was a little far to say the least, but it felt good to get out and walk and see a little more of Orlando.  I got to the clinic and had to wait for an hour and a half to see the doctor.  Doctor visits are not cheap.  Pretty sure my mom was sick of me calling her every five minutes with another question about insurance or the price of the bill I paid.  I in fact had a ear infection…great…I never get sick.  She gave me some antibiotics and sent me on my way.  I worked that night (no worries the doctor cleared me to work) and I was on register which means you have to talk!  Let’s just say I lost my voice that night!  I woke up Tuesday morning with no voice…zero!! It could be from the combination of talking to the guests and coughing the whole way through the night.  Yes I was mute all Tuesday!! I made a run to Walgreens in the morning for cough syrup, cough drops, and Vicks…no more restless nights form me!! After that there was a rumor that Johnny Depp was at Magic Kingdom playing Jack Sparrow!  So my roommate and her friend went to check it out.  So my roommate knows sign language and so does her friend and I just took a sign language class last semester, so we signed a little since I couldn’t talk!  It was fun trying to remember signs and getting back to finger spelling.  So that rumor was in fact a rumor!  We went to two of the pirate shows and it wasn’t him!!  We walked around MK for a bit ran into Gaston!  Let’s just say that his smile was dead on, the lip lift and everything!  After that I came home and rested!

Check out that smile!!

Wednesday was another rest day!  My voice was back to the point that people could hear me but not fully!

Thursday Valentines Day!! I worked and that is all!! I did score a whole pizza from the housing party once I got off work!!  I also received a package in the mail from my parents!!! Thanks Mom and Dad, love you!! It’s fun to get packages in the mail.  My address is 8127 Baldwin Manor Court  Apt# 15204  Orlando, FL 32821 if you would like to send anything to me!! ;)

Friday I worked!  That’s pretty much what I do…work!!  But days off are always nice to just hit the parks or whatever!!  

Look what randomly showed up in the mail!! A hippo!! I left my hippo the first night I was here and someone was so kind to get me a replacement!! Isn’t he cute!

Saturday I finally didn’t have to close so after work I headed over to MK to met up with Lexi!! I just love that girl she is kind and super awesome! I finally rode Space Mountain, that hour and a half wait was worth it!!!

Sunday…I missed church today!! I hate missing church!  I asked for a ER (Early Release) didn’t happen! Well it sort of happened..15 mins early, not enough time to caught two buses and a car pool!! I am so glad this job at Disney is only temporary, because when I get a grown up job Sundays are the Lords day, not a day to work!!!

Bright side I have tomorrow off!!  Animal Kingdom here I come!!

 Sorry this post wasn't the best I was "sick" most of the week and just finally getting over it, so I am a little tired!!

Have a Magical Day!!

PS I am not proof reading this so sorry for the mistakes, at least I posted!! :)

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